Jun 7, 2011

Book Review: Peril in the Palace by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker

Excerpt: "Stop!" Patrick said. He was busy watching Beth, and he didn't see the other rider. The man rode close to him. He wrapped an arm around his waist and drew him up.

"Put me down!" he shouted at the horseman.

The man paid no attention. He dropped Patrick onto the front of the saddle. He kicked the horse to speed up.

The man looked grim. He carried arrows and a bow on his back.

This can't be happening, Patrick thought. We're being kidnapped by Mongol warriors! Peril in the Palace, pg 21-22.

Back Cover: The place? - China 1271. The task? - find the golden tablet of Kublai Khan. The problem? - just about everything!

On this adventure cousins Patrick and Beth are kidnapped by Mongol warriors. Only the friendship of fellow traveler Marco Polo saves them from harm. At the Shangdu palace, Kublai Khan dislikes their gifts and their message about Christianity. Next, the Mongol magicians challenge the cousins to a spiritual power showdown, war breaks out, and Beth and Patrick are locked up to prevent their escape.

How do the cousins get the golden tablet they need to save Mr. Whittaker's friend Albert? How do they escape the city and find the Imagination station? Enter the perilous palace and find out!

My Review: I've been a fan of Adventures in Odyssey since my own childhood, so when I was given the chance to review this book I jumped on it. Peril in the Palace is the third book in the new Imaginations Station series. After Patrick and Beth have faced the Vikings and the Romans, they make their way to ancient China. Things are not going well for the cousins on this adventure. I do have to admit, of the four books in the series that I have read thus far, I liked this book the least, but it was still an exciting read. Of course, the way the book ends, you just have to read the next one to know what is going to happen.

My Rating:

My Recommendation: I recommend this book to parents of young readers.

(I received a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of review.)

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