Jul 26, 2011

Book Review: My Life and Lesser Catastrophes by Christina Schofild

Excerpt: I'm convinced that at least once in life, every person finds himself or herself staring eyeball-to-eyeball with that one big question, "Am I right about God?" I was born and raised in church. I was Bible college-trained and had spent years in ministry. Yet here I was, back at the very foundation of it all, praying, "Please be real!" Even though I was utterly, desperately dependent on God more now than ever before, doubts still nagged at me as Allen began what would be a three-week stay in the ICU. My Life and Lesser Catastrophes, pg 21.

Back Cover: For Christina Schofield, the difference between life as she'd always known it and a life of fear and uncertainty was a matter of a few pebbles.

As the motorcycle she and her husband were riding hit a patch of loose gravel, the bubble around her smooth Christian life popped. The safety nets she thought she had - based on unquestioning obedience to God, unyielding faith, a ministry-focused life - broke as their bodies were hurled from the bike.

What began that very moment was an emotional search for the God she thought she knew. With warmth and transparency, Christina describes facing her deepest questions of faith - and God's painful silence - with honesty, sincerity and humor, showing that even in our darkest hours, God's goodness shines through.

My Review: I was drawn to this book because of the description on the back. I have lived in that safe Christian bubble, and I know what it is like to suddenly have it pop and wonder if God is still in control. I wanted to read about another woman's journey through tough times. I do appreciate the voice and tone of this book. Christina lays her heart bear as she tells about her struggles after the accident, especially in regard to her husband's physical condition. I loved the lessons that she learns about God through being a mother to her daughter. We are so like children in the way that we expect things from God. My only problem with this book is the huge focus on miraculous physical healing. I'm not saying that God can't heal in this day and age, I just wish that the book wasn't so focused on the quest for that physical healing. Christina isn't going to answer the big questions for you, but she will give you a look into how she dealt with the big question of suffering in her life, and came away stronger for it.

My Rating:

My Recommendation: I recommend this book to those who wonder why Christians suffer.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

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